NEH "Most Southern Place" June Workshop: Day 2


The Most Southern Place on Earth workshop continued on Tuesday, with a series of events focused on the cultural, religious, and musical diversity of the Delta. Participants first traveled to Greenville, where they visited the town's Chinese and black cemeteries. Raymond Wong shared his experience as one of the few remaining Chinese Americans in the Delta, highlighting Asian immigrants' contributions to the region's economy and culture. The group then stopped at the historic Hebrew Union Temple to learn about the Delta Jews from Temple Vice President Benji Nelkin. After stopping at a museum dedicated to the flood of 1927, the group headed back to Cleveland. In the afternoon, University of Mississippi Professor Dr. Charles Wilson gave a lecture on religious beliefs in the South, and later blues musician Bill Abel performed and taught participants about the history of music in the Delta.

Click "Read more" above to see photos and explore a more detailed account of the day.

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